How to make an autoexec in csgo for crosshairs
How to make an autoexec in csgo for crosshairs

how to make an autoexec in csgo for crosshairs

  • tickrate 128 // If you launch a local server it will run at 128 tick (can also be done with -tickrate 128 put as launch option).
  • cl_interp 0 // Common interp setting for MM/League.
  • cl_interp_ratio 1 // Common interp setting for MM/League.
  • cl_updaterate "128" // 128 tick servesr require this rate (64 will default to 64 for you, no need to edit).
  • cl_cmdrate "128" // 128 tick servers require this rate (64 will default to 64 for you, no need to edit).
  • rate "128000" // This is your client rate, you may need to lower it if your net speed cannot keep up.
  • mm_dedicated_search_maxping "75" // Max server ping allowed in MM search.
  • how to make an autoexec in csgo for crosshairs

    net_graphproportionalfont "0" // Changes the size of the net graph text.net_graph "1" // Shows net_graph stats (fps, rates, choke, etc.).cl_righthand "1" // 0 for left hand 1 for right hand or use bindtoggle cl_righthand to give yourself one-key swapping between right/left handed.cl_showhelp "1" // Show the hints on screen.cl_autohelp "1" // Enable/disable on screen hints (enemy, trade weapon, etc.).cl_autowepswitch "0" // Will not auto-switch to weapons if you pick them up.cl_radar_always_centered "0" // Keeps the radar centered.Screenshot showing mouse/crosshair settings in place: cl_crosshaircolor_r "50" // * Manually edits crosshair colors (outdated) use.cl_crosshaircolor_g "255" // * Manually edits crosshair colors (outdated) use.cl_crosshaircolor_b "255" // * Manually edits crosshair colors (outdated) use.cl_crosshaircolor "1" // Color of the crosshair.cl_crosshairalpha "200.000000" // Opacity of the crosshair.cl_crosshairusealpha "1" // Enable/disable crosshair alpha.cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist "7" // * These values change how far the crosshair can split on crosshair style 5.cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod "0.5" // * These values change how far the crosshair can split on crosshair style 5.cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod "1" // * These values change how far the crosshair can split on crosshair style 5.cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio "0.35" // * These values change how far the crosshair can split on crosshair style 5.cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "1" // Thickness of the outline - edit in.cl_crosshair_drawoutline "0" // Places an outline around the crosshair itself.cl_crosshairstyle 5 // Values = 1-5, 5 is the "active" crosshair that spreads.

    how to make an autoexec in csgo for crosshairs

    cl_crosshairsize 3 // Change size higher or lower for larger or smaller crosshair.cl_crosshairscale "0" // Scale of crosshair (outdated).cl_crosshairthickness "1" // Thickness of crosshair.cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "0" // Enable/disable different crosshairgap per weapon/s you're using ie.cl_crosshairgap "-2" // The amount of space in the center of the crosshair.cl_crosshairdot "0" // The dot in the center of the crosshair.Mouse Settings (sensitivity, color, crosshair styles)sensitivity.


    ++tip: if you're using an alternate (or 'smurf') account on the same PC, your autoexec will be used as long as your CS:GO install lives within the \common\ directory as shown above in the image For the common CS:GO launch options (disable video, open console, 128tick local server, force monitor refresh rate etc.) use: -console -novid -high -threads 4 +exec autoexec.cfg -tickrate 128 -refresh 144.Paste the following: +exec autoexec.cfg.Right click on Counter Strike: Global Offensive.There are also folks who say you need to use startup commands with CS:GO to run the autoexec.cfg so, if you'd like to go down that road, simply enter the following commands into your launch options for CS (I've also included the common performance commands as well). cfg file placed into the directory I've listed above. To use an autoexec.cfg all a user needs to do is have the. Setting these things manually with your config is a way to get the fine tuned game experience you want. Other values, such as fps_max, aren't always available via the in-game menus. Things such as sensitivity for your mouse, for example, are easier to change manually because you may fine tune them more with a numerical value (ie. The autoexec file itself is just a configuration that CS:GO will pull settings from that are either too cumbersome to mess with via in-game menus, or users would like to set in numerical values rather than attempt to use the menu-based options. cfg into: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg It mary vary a bit per user, but generally speaking you'll want to place your. cfg, fps configs, scripts, etc.) live in your \cfg\ directory for CSGO on your local machine. A text file generated (or saved) by the user, that tells the game which specific settings the user would like to use while they play.Īutoexec.cfg's (often referred to as configs. An autoexec.cfg is quite literally an automatically executed config.

    How to make an autoexec in csgo for crosshairs